Remote Control Helicopters petrol - fun and dangerous

It is perhaps not the best idea to get a petrol remote control helicopter, unless of course, actually know how the nerve to fly a helicopter and have a lot in you. But if you do not know what you do with them, you are probably not too bad, because these machines to fly dirty, dangerous and extremely difficult.
Indeed, we recommend buying an electric model, which is lower in price, and ensure that only fly in good weather. You canbe models for gasoline to go, but make sure you have a license to operate and remember, has operated only under certain climatic conditions and at a certain time of day.
These agreements were made, because there are many cases of accidents in relation to petrol powered remote control helicopter crashed and burned, and several have been, because a spark ignited the gasoline. During the operation of a gasoline-based machine, you must exercise the utmostCaution, but if you are a prudent person, the chances of buying a petrol powered remote control helicopter, probably low in the first place. It is usually the go-getters who end up buying these machines, and if they do, everyone must be on guard, because if one of them crashes, the manager would probably just find it funny. But is anything but fun, if not controlled. I know because I have had personal experience, not as I go-getter, but as a spectatorIf an autumn day, two petrol powered remote control helicopters crashed into each other while they run through a daredevil.
The next in flames, but also some dry leaves that were lit nearby. He started to turn into a bad situation, but luckily I happened to play with my son in the area, adjacent to an area of sand of a water source and managed to extinguish the fire with water in a bucket , which we previously for sand castles. This building wasif you really experienced the dark side of sport, and I'm really glad I could help prevent people getting injured. But the Flyers seemed little attention to the damage that could be caused to be taken and much less than the huge amount of money that had just lost. He was only with the capture of the collapse of massive tape and use it on its website, helicopter fly-establish his mastery affected.
If you are still interested in flying this remote control gasoline poweredHelicopter, then I suggest you do it in a remote area away from sources of life, especially children. I'm sure you would not want to hurt innocent children due to the carelessness of a daredevil.
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