Do's and don'ts for flying model airplanes RC

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If you plan to enter the world of flight, then you choose a flight cheaper and slower with an easy to use remote control. If you plan to assemble the plane, then read the instructions properly before assembling the parts together. This allows you to learn without crashing your plane often, and is convenient for the replacement of the aircraft in case of serious accident. Choose an open field with lots of grass, so that the aircraft isolated fromCrash. If you are a club flight model, then pay attention to their rules and regulations and for insurance claims if your plane to hit any body or their property.
If you accept an expert who can show you the ropes before trying new tricks. Start with the basics before difficult stunts like loops, rolls and inverted flight. If you fly a plane powered by gasoline, then yes the engine noise does not disturb nearby residents. Put upa small sticker on your plane giving their name and phone number so that if your plane is flying from the series and ends up in someone's property, then they can contact you. Shows a model aircraft flying visit to look at the world's most comprehensive flight model to arrive.
Do not let small children handle the plane. If you want to touch, see and hear the plane, then remove the batteries and store the remote out of sight. Do not practice your stunts, although there are many people onO land many planes in flight. Do not hang up the remote first frequency, the other with the first. Let your plane fly too far, can only go out of the reach and crash somewhere. Do not fly your airplane power lines or too many trees. Do not try to find a faster aircraft before learning to slow a plane.
Do not try any tricks on their own. Having an expert to help. Do not fly when conditions or storm outThe chance of rain. Do not fly when the aircraft batteries are fully charged. Do not try your hand propeller plane, making a particular aircraft fuel. You might lose a finger in the process. The plane does not land in the vicinity of your pets when they are nervous. Could chew the air. Do not fly your plane on public roads or private property of someone. Do not use the remote in an approximate way. This is an electronic element, so treat them gently.
Followthese commandments and prohibitions, and have a safe flight.
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